Aluminium and its role in the energy commitment of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan
Because of its ability to generate healthier environments, the world of construction is a strategic sector. This is the view of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, which the Ministry of Economy has launched in order to overcome the effects caused by Covid-19
The plan aims to restore climate neutrality at a European level and energy reform. To do this, it proposes an investment of 6,800 million euros in urban regeneration and housing redevelopment to improve energy efficiency and promote healthy cities. For this purpose, the use of aluminium in construction is guaranteed, as it can lead to great advances in the field of energy renewal.
The renovation of energy-deficient buildings
Windows are a highly important factor in the energy efficiency of buildings. They enable rooms to be insulated from the outside while ventilating the interior when required, and the temperature of a home or office to be calibrated with exterior energy.
The companies that are part of the window value chain are strategic for achieving a sustainable future in construction, as they can optimize energy use in the long term, reduce CO2 emissions and contribute to the EU’s climate neutrality objectives.
The role of aluminium
European Aluminium, the leading representative of the aluminium industry in Europe, proposes that member states focus their efforts in order to stimulate aluminium demand on the continent. This is because it is a highly recyclable material that does not lose its properties during the process. In fact, even the aluminium chips and trimmings from profiles that are generated during the assembly of windows are used to produce billets of recycled aluminium in recycling centres.
The Spanish Aluminium and Surface Treatments Association (AEA) states that the use of aluminium in new and renovated buildings and the replacement of windows in old buildings will be beneficial for the climate and the reduction of emissions in Europe.
Furthermore, according to the AEA, aluminium must be a strategic ally for the successful application of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. In addition, it is in line with the principles of the Green European Pact, as its recovery rate in the building sector is 95%.
Without a doubt, aluminium is highly beneficial for its utility in building efficiency and sustainability, and will be crucial in the generation of healthy environments.
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