Aluminium: past, present and future
Aluminium is one of the most widely used materials in the construction world. With a relatively short history, from halfway through the 19th century, it is now a basic material for the development of all types of constructions. The versatility of aluminium and its multiple applications as a construction solution mean that this material enjoys an enviable reputation.
Experts estimate that there are aluminium reserves in the earth’s crust for about another 200 years. This suggests that aluminium’s future as a building material is exceptional.
The evolution of architectural designs, increasingly modern and with futuristic shapes that require materials adaptable to all types of conditions and with special properties, gives aluminium a prominence that almost no other material has.
Thanks to characteristics such as: lightness, resistance, and ductility, aluminium can be adopted as a solution to practically any design problem that may arise. That is why its applications are not limited exclusively to use in carpentry, such as doors and windows. At Dressler Aluminio, we have chosen to use this material in a wide variety of fields, adapting it to the needs of design, the environment and the times.
The possibilities offered by aluminium are endless, and therefore its use has been developed to include a large number of elements in different types of construction. In our case, we have not limited ourselves to residential architecture, but have gone beyond it by taking advantage of the material’s full potential. Clear examples of this application are projects we have carried out in the fields of architecture, both commercial and tertiary, and in resort facilities refurbishment.
Large structures, large buildings and large construction elements are and will be the future of aluminium in the short and medium term. Its use in large projects as a differentiating element, replacing other types of obsolete or outdated materials, will give aluminium the role it deserves.
At Dressler Aluminio, we are aware of this, and that is why in the past, present and future, aluminium is the basis for providing efficiency, durability and quality to all projects executed and to be executed.
Visit our portfolio and discover the wide range of options aluminium offers.