Aluminium windows in construction
Aluminium windows are the most demanded solution for construction to seal holes in buildings. One of the main reasons is the concern in energy saving that has made this system evolve to comply with current regulations.
Its low price and availability make it a widely used material in Spanish architecture.
Its main disadvantages are temperature loss and condensation production.
However, it has benefits that other materials lack. A natural coating protects it from rust. Besides, this highly resistant material is easily handled on-site. It is also a low flammable material that helps to protect our home against fire.
What kind of aluminium windows do we usually find on the market?
The most demanded aluminium windows for construction projects are usually five: sliding, vertical opening, tilt and turn, composite, and French windows. Its low cost makes it a construction system widely used as a thermal insulator.
Sliding windows are cheap and efficient. This system is the most similar to the traditional solution, being in case of having blinds since it will not prevent side opening. The only “problem” as a constructive solution is that its closures are not hermetically sealed, becoming a thermal bridge for the facade.
Vertical opening windows rotate on a horizontal axis, making it possible to open them from above by using hinge systems. Tilt and turn aluminium windows are an ideal solution due to their thermal, acoustic, and water tightness properties thanks to the closing rubber gasket. Apart from technical qualities, one advantage is their partial opening for room ventilation.
Furthermore, pivoting French windows are another option that will increase room light due to their height. It is usually confused with a door but it is not. They have a pivoting opening system with a degree of opening less than 30º. Last but not least, one more solution that can be found on the market are aluminium composite windows. They are the rise of modernism in the industry. They combine sliding or pivoting openings and vertical closings. A composition that affects the hole size, but allows for several openings depending on the environmental needs.
The building industry is moving towards zero energy consumption by improving the envelope elements of construction. Aluminium windows are becoming increasingly efficient and aesthetic and are the preferred system of architects and designers. Affordable and functional carpentry.